Those little things...
Original Post Date: 5/11/08

I was recently told by a friend that I sounded like an "angry little man" when I write. So, in the spirit and in spite of that all at the same time, I am posting my list of things that just piss me off. Some funny, some serious, but all responsible for my acid reflux.

1. People who insist they "need" the Ford Gigantor SUV because they have to take Ashton and Chandler to soccer practice, Ruffton to the vet and then stop at Le Markete for organic broccoli and scones. Trust me; you can accomplish the same things in an Accord with room to spare

2. Same people in 1 who always say "Why do you care, I pay for the gas!" You know what, lady? I'm paying for your gas, too. Because you're willing to pay $4.00/gal X 46 gallons to fill that monstrosity that you NEED to do the same things that I can do in a PT Cruiser, the bar of demand is set by you. Indulgence is truly as American as baseball, footlong hot dogs and heart disease.

3. Oil company execs who try not to look like the bad guys. Granted, oil is a global market, but enjoying unadulterated profit at the expense of others is an American pastime. Energy giants are selling their product for 3X what it cost 4 years ago, but their productions costs have not gone up one penny. There is truly nothing oil companies can do about the global unrest that destabilizes energy markets, but there is plenty they can do about the ancillary areas of their businesses. Profit may not be a dirty word, but Greed is a deadly sin.

Moving on...

4. People with piss-poor speed control on the interstate. Cruise control...look into it.

5. People who laugh at things that aren't funny, and become frustrated with me because I don't.

6. Those who insist on listening to your conversation, even if it doesn't involve them. Worse still when they insist on your repeating something in said conversation.

7. People giving the ghost of Steve Irwin a hard time. He died doing something he loved...we should all be so lucky.

8. People who are upset about the way you react to a certain situation, even though you've behaved the same way in the same situation for as long as they've known you. "Why can't you change?" Why can't you learn?

9. Said people who are surprised by the consistent behavior of everyone they know. You knew they were snakes when you picked them up...don't bitch when they bite you.

10. People who live in my (old) apartment complex and drive 100ft from their apartment to the pool. Refer to 2 for why this pisses me off.

11. Paramedics and students who have no intention of practicing any longer than it takes them to get into nursing school. That school is across us all some time.

12. Paramedics who insist on dazzling everyone on scene with their diagnostic prowess when they should be getting themselves and their very sick patient to the hospital. Got a little piece of news for you...sometimes, we truly need to be just ambulance drivers.

13. Any care provider who overtreats because they can.

14. Any care provider who undertreats because they fear litigation.

The list is much longer, but no need to wax sarcastic. I throw these out there as a counterpoint to the wonderful week I had. I celebrated my anniversary, got to be with some friends I rarely see anymore and held my best friend's brand new baby boy. Amongst all that, I attended class with some educators who are clearly as frustrated as I at the state of things. In this, I found hope; not because misery loves a quorum but because there are plenty of folks out there who care enough to do the work it takes to make it better.

Angry is my tone, but it gloves the left hand of hope that reaches beyond what I can see into a future that is clean, light and full of chance.

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Flight paramedic and critical care educator in Eastern NC.